About the Journal


Anti-colonial legacies and resistance in the Southern Cone: proposals and setbacks regarding teaching and research in and with the Arts

Rebento Journal is calling for contributions for its 21st issue, entlited "Anti-colonial legacies and resistance in the Southern Cone: proposals and setbacks regarding teaching and research in and with the Arts". Read more about Anti-colonial legacies and resistance in the Southern Cone: proposals and setbacks regarding teaching and research in and with the Arts

Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 19 (2024): New procession of collective theatricalities of group theather: temporal and territorial variations
					View Vol. 1 No. 19 (2024): New procession of collective theatricalities of group theather: temporal and territorial variations
The current issue, number 19, entitled "New procession of collective theatricalities of group theater: temporal and territorial variations", reposition the question of the importance of group theather on the Brazilian scene, a dilemma that is always in flux. This is new issue os Rebento Journal, therefore, complements issue 16, published in 2023, while at the same time offes the tracing of a historical line, which occupies different spatialities. As emerging collectives organize themselves, with original interests, they build up structures differentely from their predecessors, modifying arrangements. As a result, the ways of critically approaching these arrangements are transformed. Longer-lived collectives also acquire modern configurations as new people join them or as historical conditions change. This adaptability is a constitutive part of this type of production, whose singular character in the face-to-face arts is also its continuity, in such a way that its "form" is always reconstituted, in transitivity with the space-time in which the collectives are inserted.
Published: 2024-06-19


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