No. 16 (2023): The parade of collective and peripheral marginal theatricalities: disputes and meeting in group theater

esboços leves de figuras humanas em traços de desenho em preto, sobre fundo vermelhor vibrante. Escritos em branco, com título da edição - "O desfile das teatraldiades marginais coletivas e peroféricas: disputas e encontros no teatro de grupo", acima do logo da Rveitsa REBENTO e do número da edição (no. 15).
This edition, entitled "The Parade of Marginal and Collective Theatricalities: Disputes and Encounters in Group Theater," aims to reflect on the presence of group theater in the brazilian scene, poetically described as a carnival parade: in the movement of group theater, numerous revelers dance, sing, and playing drums on the avenue; many groups - animated by various voices - in different forms of organization; highlights and ordinary people treading the same ground and occupying the streets and avenues of cities, in a vibrant and lively phenomenon.
Published: 2023-12-20