Reflections on Contemporary Representations in the Series of Works "Prophecies", by Randolpho Lamonier



This article aims to reflect on the series “Prophecies”, by Randolpho Lamonier, with an approach that encompasses the three possible representations he makes: political, identitarian, and aesthetical. Then, the historical and imaginative aspects of this production will be analyzed, so as to understand how it relates to the Brazilian political context when it comes to its violence against plurality. Also, when dealing with identity representations, the article will analyze how prophecy becomes a process of resistance, by establishing a dialogue between the intimate and the collective spheres and creating narratives for minorities. The works are also understood as a way of valuing contemporary textile art and craftsmanship, exploring the contrasts between material and content created by Lamonier. Finally, through the dialogue between authors, concepts, and personal interpretations of works, the article seeks to understand the role of this production in the contemporary art scene, as a production of knowledge and critical communication. However, the research intends to be exploratory and not conclusive, enhancing the reader's ability to reflect on the artistic discourses used both here and in other works.

Author Biography

Sophia Divina Turbiani Morales Melo, Instituto de Artes - Unesp

Discente do curso de Artes Visuais do Instituto de Artes da Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” (UNESP). Técnica em Comunicação Visual pela ETEC Doutora Maria Augusta Saraiva. São Paulo, SP, Brasil.

